
Hi! My Name Is Morticia

I'm Available

In feline “Addams Family” here at Whiskers, Morticia lives up to her name as “fiercely loyal to her family,” says her foster mom. “Right now, that consists of her babies, Wednesday and
Pugsley, and her foster family.” But you won’t catch this Morticia hacking the blooms off roses or creating three-headed dolls. This happy girl is “welcoming to all who visit her.” That goes for
all new buddies of the kid, feline or canine variety! Her foster mom thinks she would thrive in any loving home that can give Morticia the attention she craves. “She NEVER stops purring. She
just wants to be loved. She is such a good cat and deserves to live the decadent lifestyle of her namesake.” Can Morticia be your Querida?

  • Domestic Short Hair
  • Female
  • 1 Year OldMy DoB is 09/30/2023 (Estimated)
  • Iowa
  • Torbie
  • Social & Friendly
  • I Like All Kids
  • I Like All Cats
  • I Like All Dogs
  • House Cat
  • $100.00
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