
Hi! My Name Is Wrangler

I'm Available

Some kittens live for playtime. Others, for naptime in the comfiest bed. When it comes to Wrangler, this kitten cowpoke has one thing on his mind: lassoing some love from his favorite people! “He’s really sweet and loves to be petted,” says his foster mom. “He loves having his jawline rubbed. He will close his eyes and purr so sweetly!” Wrangler also enjoys frisking and snuggling with his brother, Stetson, so their foster mom thinks either would do well in a forever home where they can find plenty of companionship from their humans as well as another cat. After all, Wrangler even has the cutest way of showing he’s a little lonesome: “He likes to put his paws up on my calf to tell me he needs attention.” Will Wrangler’s happy trails lead to you?

  • Domestic Short Hair
  • Male
  • 6 Months OldMy DoB is 09/18/2024 (Estimated)
  • Iowa
  • Tabby (Brown / Chocolate)
  • Playful & Inquisitive
  • I Like All Kids
  • I Like All Cats
  • Not Tested With Dogs
  • House Cat
  • 150.00
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