In our “’80s Music Legends” crew, there just had to be a Tiffany. The kitten version even has a
few ginger smudges to match her redhead namesake! And if you “think we’re alone now,” that
won’t be the case long with our Tiffany around – she’s drawn to humans and fellow felines alike.
“She is so sweet and snuggly,” says her foster mom, adding that Tiffany’s “fluffy soft fur and
little round tummy” are a couple of her favorite things about her. Tiffany’s hobbies include
playing with her sisters, Paula and Celine, with a box with holes in it, finding a shadowy spot for
a good snooze, and making use of the toys meant for the kids in her foster home. “She’s always
checking out the kids’ toys – the dollhouse, Barbie car and tractor.” Can Tiffany’s next tour be to
a forever home with you?