
Hi! My Name Is Sephora

I'm Available

In the “Cosmetic Kitties” litter, Sephora stands out for her elegant good looks and being the shyest. “She is such a pretty dilute tortie and very reserved,” says her foster dad. “I think that she hates to admit that she does enjoy attention when it comes.” After all, Sephora came from a large colony being TNR’ed and is still learning the ropes of indoor life. But she would thrive in a quieter home with people willing to give her time to blossom – and especially if they have a friendly, confident cat to show her the ropes and maybe even indulge her in a little good-natured
wrestling. “She loves to wrestle with her sister, Estee. Every morning their area is completely upset because they play so hard overnight! She is a little bit harder to get to purr, but she is getting better every day.” Will you be one to help Sephora fully make up her mind to love people?

  • Domestic Short Hair
  • Female
  • 10 Months OldMy DoB is 05/15/2024 (Estimated)
  • Iowa
  • Dilute Tortoiseshell
  • Keeps To Self | Can Be Timid
  • I Like All Cats
  • Not Tested With Dogs
  • House Cat
  • I have been spayed
  • 150.00
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