Mabel has two loves in life: relaxing like a lady of luxury and swapping affection with her people. After all, not long ago she was part of a large outdoor colony, before showing her former caretakers and Whiskers volunteers that she was just “too sweet” not to have a chance at indoor life. “She likes being around people and is very lovey when she wants to be,” according to her foster mom. But her very favorite thing about Mabel? That she’s quite the conversationalist. “I like how she talks all the time. She talks back to me whenever I ask her something.” Mabel is also the queen of cat naps and seems to enjoy quiet surroundings, so a laidback household would be a purr-fect fit. Her foster mom suspects that Mabel would prefer to be the only cat as well, in order to have her people’s undivided attention – whether for a heart-to-heart or snuggle fest. Can Mabel have a word with you next?