Just like her namesake on The Walking Dead, Rosita needed to be a bit of a warrior to live in a large outdoor colony. But even after a short time with Whiskers TNR, she’s showing that she can be brave in getting to know people, too! “Rosita is learning to trust her humans and opening up to more petting and cuddles,” says her foster mom. “She has a sweet disposition and enjoys being around people and her kitty friends.” Rosita’s favorite things include playing with ball towers, exploring her cat tunnel and affectionately rubbing against people. Her foster mom’s favorite things about Rosita are her “pretty markings and ‘necklace’ stripe” and how she operates an adorable “butt elevator” when petted. She thinks Rosita would thrive in a quieter home while she continues to figure out that there aren’t any zombies lurking. “She is so petite but has such a big heart!”