You’d never know it now, but Arwen was the last of the “Lord of the Rings” litter to warm up to humans. Now, she actually turns to people when the world gets a little scary! “She is the shyest of the group but has learned that people are pretty great and actually looks to me for comfort when she is a little scared,” says her foster dad. But then, just like her royal namesake in “Lord of the Rings,” our Arwen is cautious but with a brave streak – especially if it means pouncing on her siblings. “She loves to wrestle with her brother and sister. She seems to be the instigator most of the time.” We think Arwen would be happiest in a quieter home with a confident feline buddy – and a loving human parent – to show her the way. “I love how she jumps into my arms for safety.” Can Arwen leap into your arms on adoption day?