Pluto and his buddy, Mickey, might’ve felt like they jumped into a cartoon world when they were brought to Whiskers TNR from an outdoor colony. Pillowy beds? Funny little balls to bat around?! Why, Pluto decided that this was the feline version of Disney World! “My favorite thing about him is how he is ALWAYS playing,” says a caretaker at Smitten Kitten, where Pluto and Mickey await adoption. “He loves playing with balls or anything that will roll on the ground.” Sometimes, that includes Pluto himself! “I actually caught him rolling around on a rug and it was too cute.” Both of these sweet boys tested positive for FIV but can still have happy, healthy lives with a little extra care. Pluto is a bit shy around people but is as happy as his Disney namesake and getting braver every day. The staff at Smitten Kitten thinks he’d love to have a
kitty sidekick, also with FIV, to show him the ropes. Doesn’t your home need a little character like Pluto?