TNR Titans

We need your monthly donation to continue our work into kitten season! 

Do you have a giant heart for cats in need? We’d love for you to become one of our first TNR Titans! With this new program, you sign up to become a monthly financial donor – the amount completely of your own choosing – with all funds going directly to the day-to-day needs of the cats in Whiskers TNR’s care.


We have a web store with lots of Whiskers items available for purchase!

The best way to give to Whiskers is through our Pay Pal Giving Fund. 100% of the proceeds go directly to helping the cats and kittens in our care. We'd love for you to consider us for your end-of-year giving; we are a 501(c)3 non-profit charity. This means that your donation is deductible on your annual income taxes!

Our Featured Cats

Phelps Litter: Olympic Legends

Our Phelps would win a gold medal for Wrestlemania.

04/23/2024 (Actual)
Playful & Inquisitive
Spitz Litter: Olympic Legends

Spitz will make a splash in his forever home.

04/23/2024 (Actual)
Playful & Inquisitive

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march, 2025

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